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Security and Privacy

Calvert County Public Schools recognizes student data and privacy risks and takes steps to prevent problems that can occur when students use the internet and digital tools. Our students are provided with instruction in our K-12 Digital Citizenship curriculum that prepares them to understand risks and utilize strategies to maintain security.

CCPS assesses digital tools for 508 compliance and reviews privacy policies of each tool to assess compliance with FERPA, COPPA, CIPA and MD-SDPA for every approved tool with which our students interact or data is shared.

CCPS has developed Policy 1925 regarding Student Data Governance and Privacy that aligns with federal, state, and local laws and regulations:

Policy 1925

Policy 1925 Procedures

Calvert County Public Schools' Approach to Online Security

  • CCPS uses single sign-on with software vendors. These vendors are fully compliant with FERPA regulations regarding student data.
  • CCPS uses filtering software to prevent students accessing inappropriate sites.
  • CCPS restricts application downloads, preventing malware from affecting the network.

We believe:

  • Student data should be used to further and support student learning and success.
  • Student data are most powerful when used for continuous improvement and personalizing student learning.
  • Student data should be used as a tool for informing, engaging, and empowering students, families, teachers, and school system leaders.
  • Students, families, and educators should have timely access to information collected about the student.
  • Student data should be used to inform and not replace the professional judgment of educators.
  • Students’ personal information should only be shared, under terms or agreement, with service providers for legitimate educational purposes.
  • Educational institutions and researchers who may be provided with student data must have clear, publicly available rules and guidelines for how they collect, use, safeguard, and destroy those data.
  • Educators and their contracted service providers should only have access to the minimum student data required to support student success.
  • Everyone who has access to students’ personal information should be trained and know how to effectively and ethically use, protect, and secure it.

Parent and Staff Information

What do we mean by Student Data?

A Parents' Guide to Student Data Privacy

Protecting Student Privacy 101

CCPS oversees a wide range of information about students. The district manages personally identifiable information (PII) about students in accordance with the federal laws known as FERPA and COPPA. More information regarding federal and state laws, district policies and guidelines that address technology use and student data privacy are listed below.

Procedures and Rationales for Vetting and Selecting Internet Sites, Services, and Applications

Calvert County Public Schools has initiated a policy and protocol procedure for evaluating all third-party vendors, websites and apps who have access to any student Personal Identifiable Information (PII) data. All digital tools are reviewed for content alignment, accessibility, data security and privacy, and technology compatibilities.

CCPS categorizes digital tools as either “Essential” or “Supporting.” Essential tools are part of our CCPS Curriculum and are not optional for use. “Supporting” tools are optional tools that teachers may or may not use with their class(es). Supporting tools may require no personal data, only directory information, or directory information with non-personal identifiable information. 

Additional Resources on Student Data Privacy

CCPS Policies and Guidelines for Student Data and Security

CCPS Student Records Information

CCPS Student Code of Conduct

1315 - Requests to Conduct Research

1920 - Records Retention and Disposition

1925 - Regarding Student Data Governance and Privacy

2305 - Regarding Selection and Purchase of Materials of Instruction and Library/Media Materials

2500 - Test Administration and Data Collection and Reporting

2718 - Responsible and Appropriate Use of Computer Systems and Other Communication Media

Maryland State Data Privacy and Security