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Prolonged State of Emergency

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Reopening Information

Latest CCPS Guidance

To promote a healthy school environment, screening for symptoms of infectious illness such as COVID, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and gastrointestinal infections prior to coming to school continues to be the best way to prevent spread of communicable illness in the school setting. Students, staff, and visitors should not enter if they are experiencing symptoms related to infectious illness.

Calvert County Public Schools is currently mask-optional, except in situations of COVID illness or exposure. Please note the most recent Maryland Department of Health guidance for quarantine/isolation and mask recommendations:

Staff or Student/Child with Guidance for Management
COVID-19 Symptoms
  • Staff or student/child should not attend or work in a school or child-care setting.
  • COVID-19 testing is recommended.
  • If test is negative, may return when symptoms have improved, are fever-free for 24 hours without medication, and applicable criteria in the Maryland Communicable Diseases Summary have been met.
Positive test for COVID-19, regardless of symptoms
  • Staff or student/child must stay home until symptoms have improved and are fever-free for at least 24 hours without medication.
  • Upon return, recommended to mask for 5 days from positive test or symptoms (except while eating, drinking, sleeping, or outside).
Close contact with someone with known or suspected COVID-19 but no symptoms
  • Staff or student/child can continue to work in or attend school and child-care regardless of vaccination status.
  • Those who can mask are recommended to do so for 5 days from the last day of exposure.
  • A test at 3-5 days after exposure is recommended, especially for those who cannot mask (ex. children under 2 years of age).

Visitors Welcome

Until further notice the following social protocols must be followed while in CCPS buildings and offices:

  • Face Masks are optional.
  • Sign-in and sign-out is required at all school buildings and offices.
  • We encourage proper hand hygiene and sanitizing.
  • Social distancing is encouraged while on school properties.
  • If you become ill while in a CCPS building or office, please notify a staff member and leave immediately.

Additional Guidance

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Additional Resources

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