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Blueprint for Maryland's Future


Blueprint for Maryland's Future

In 2021, the Maryland State Legislature passed the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future legislation (Blueprint) that codified the recommendations of the Maryland Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education (Kirwan Commission). This law aims to:

  • Transform Maryland’s public schools into a world-class system of education by expanding early access to education;
  • Remodel teaching into a high-status profession and incentivize teachers to pursue professional development while maintaining focus on classroom instruction;
  • Enable most students to achieve college and career readiness by the end of 10th grade;
  • Broaden resources to ensure all students are successful, including students with disabilities, students who are English learners, and students living in poverty; and
  • Create an accountability framework to evaluate compliance with the Blueprint’s mandates, determine effectiveness of student learning, and identify areas where the State can support the local school systems as they implement these programs.

The Blueprint will be implemented over the course of the next 10 years. Calvert County Public School System (CCPS) staff have been meeting since November 2021 to plan how the school system will meet these goals in a manner that is programmatically appropriate and fiscally responsible.

While the promise of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is immense, there are still many logistical hurdles that will need to be navigated. Not least among those is obtaining sufficient funding to both meet the Blueprint’s requirements and provide all students with the quality well-rounded educational opportunities that they and their families have come to expect.

Blueprint Contact

Dr. Marcella Gruver

Coordinator, Blueprint and Communications

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Did you know there are five pillars of the Blueprint?

Would you like to become more familiar with the policy areas of the Blueprint? Watch these short videos describing each of the five pillars!

Policy Areas

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