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Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 requires parents and students age 18 and older be made aware that the following data have been designated as directory information for Calvert County Public Schools:

  • Student Name
  • Photograph
  • Date and Place of Birth
  • Major Field of Study
  • Weight and Height of Members of Athletic Teams
  • Dates of Attendance
  • Grade Level
  • Participation in Officially Recognized Activities and Sports
  • Degrees, honors, and awards received
  • The most recent educational agency or institution attended
  • Student ID number, user ID, or other unique personal identifier used to communicate in electronic systems that cannot be used to access education records without a PIN, password, etc. (A student's SSN, in whole or in part, cannot be used for this purpose.)
  • Other personal information which does not make the student's identity easily traceable

The foregoing information will be considered public information unless the school principal is informed by September 30 that the information should be withheld. All other student data will not be released without written permission except under limited circumstances.

Many children attending public school today reside in single-parent households, foster care, or in blended families. In many instances, the non-custodial natural parent continues to have an interest in the achievement, attendance, adjustment, and other school activities of the child. Noncustodial parents may receive copies of report cards, progress reports, calendars and other special materials of interest so they may participate in the education of the child. Parents wishing to receive this information should contact the school principal.

Parents or eligible students have the right to:

  • Inspect and review the student's education records;
  • Request the amendment of the student's education records to ensure that they are not inaccurate of the student's privacy or other rights;
  • Consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that regulations authorize disclosure without consent;
  • File with the U.S. Department of Education a complaint under 34 CFR 99.64 concerning alleged failures by the Calvert County Public School System to comply with the requirements of the FERPA; and
  • Obtain a copy of the policy adopted under 34 CFR 99.6 and the places where copies of the policy are located.

Additionally, personally identifiable information which is collected, maintained, and used by the school system may be transmitted to the Maryland State Department of Education in unidentifiable form.