Infants and Toddlers
Infants and Toddlers is birth to age 3 years of age and provides an array of early intervention services for children and their families birth to the age of three. Children, birth through the age of three, who are experiencing a developmental delay, or who have an established condition or disability are eligible. Early intervention services are family-centered, functional and based on individual family routines and activities. Services may include: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Special Instruction, Audiology, Family Counseling and Training and Vision Services. The goal of the Calvert County Infants and Toddlers Program is to provide family-centered support and services to infants and toddlers with delays/disabilities to help them reach their potential and be prepared for school.
The Calvert County Infants and Toddlers Program (ITP) serves children birth through two years of age who reside in Calvert County and meet state eligibility requirements. Services are provided year round at no cost to families. If your child is found eligible, the Infants and Toddlers Program (ITP) can target the following areas:
- Cognition
- Communication
- Social/Emotional
- Self-help
- Fine Motor
- Gross Motor
- Hearing
- Vision
To be eligible for our program, children must have a 25% delay in at least one area of development (cognitive, communication, social-emotional, self-help, fine & gross motor), atypical development, or a high probability of delay due to a diagnosed medical condition. Services offered:
- Audiology
- Family Counseling/Training
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Special Instruction
- Speech & Language Therapy
- Vision Services
Services are provided in home, community, or center-based settings depending on the needs of your family and child. Sessions are scheduled with your individual service provider(s) Monday through Friday.
Contact Information
Calvert Country School
1350 Dares Beach Road
Prince Frederick, Maryland 20678
Office: 443-550-8405
Fax: 410-286-1499
Anyone can make a referral to our program by visiting the Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program website or by calling 443-550-8405.