Special Education Programs
Special Education and related services for students with disabilities with an Individual Education Program (IEP) are provided inside general education, outside general education, or a combination of the two. The determination of these services and the provision of Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) for students is made by the IEP team in conjunction with the parents as members of the IEP team.
Select a panel below to learn more:
- Inside General Education
- Consultation
- Co-Teaching
- Special Education Pre-Kindergarten Services in General Education (3-year-old and 4-year-old)
- Outside of General Education
- Regional Programs
Inside General Education
Most Calvert County Public Schools students are taught in the general education setting with their typically developing peers. Within the general education environment, students with disabilities are supported by collaborative relationships between the general and special education teachers based on the student’s IEP. Collaborative relationships are characterized as consultation or co-teaching.
Consultation is defined as a special education teacher serving in a consultative role to a general education teacher primarily responsible for instruction to all students. The model allows a special education teacher to partner with multiple general education teachers without being physically present in the same classroom at the same time. The general education teacher provides content instruction in the general education class. The special education teacher collaborates with the general education teacher to review student data and to discuss: Specially Designed Instruction (SDI); implementation of IEP accommodations; the effectiveness of supplementary aids, services, program modifications, and supports; implementation of interventions and services; and analysis of student progress on Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals and to discuss adjustments that may be necessary regarding the SDI.
Co-teaching is defined as two teachers (general education and special education teachers) with joint and equal responsibility for classroom instruction who are physically present in a heterogeneous, general education classroom. Co-teaching models are described as: Parallel teaching, Station teaching, Team teaching, and Alternative teaching. In the class, the special education and/or general education teacher provides specially designed instruction to students with IEPs, which includes assessing student performance and responsiveness to instruction, teaching skills in the context of a class lesson, identifying effective strategies, and gathering information for progress monitoring.
- Daily co-teaching is when both general education and special education teachers are present in the general education classroom daily/regularly. Co-teachers are equally accountable for the learning of all students in the class and for selecting or designing the co-teaching structures that best fit the student group and the lesson plan.
- Targeted co-teaching is when the special education teacher is assigned to the general education classroom on a schedule, which may be flexible based on collaboration and consultation with the general education teacher and the provision of specially designed instruction. The frequency of the targeted co-teaching is based on the IEP team’s consideration of the complexity of student instructional needs and the lesson content.
Special Education Pre-Kindergarten Services in General Education (3-year-old and 4-year-old)
Children may receive special education services and related services in general education PreK settings as determined by the IEP team. These settings include CCPS PreK classes, Head Start classes, private preschool, and childcare settings. To meet students’ individual educational needs, services may be provided through consultation, targeted co-teaching, or pull-out. For children enrolled in CCPS PreK, instruction is provided utilizing the CCPS PreK curriculum. In addition, instruction is provided to address individual goals and objectives with an emphasis on developmentally appropriate child outcomes. Special education services in general education settings provide opportunities for interaction with typically developing non-disabled peers. Please note that enrollment in CCPS general education PreK classes and Head Start classes require parent submission of an application and approval through the Department of Instruction along with the IEP team decision. Transportation is provided for children with IEPs attending CCPS PreK programs.
Outside of General Education
A special educator provides students with individual or small group instruction in a setting outside of the general education class, with no access to nondisabled peers. This setting is for students whose goals and objectives cannot be addressed in the general education setting and typically requires more direct, intense, and explicit instruction and remediation. The general education “core” curriculum may be addressed in these classes as well as instruction for individual IEP goals and objectives. Services outside of general education should be for small amounts of time to address specific goals and objectives.
Regional Programs
Regional programs are specialized programs that are located in various parts of the county rather than at every school location. These programs are designed for students who require intensive support due to their similar learning, language, social, and behavioral characteristics and who require a highly structured program emphasizing routine, clarity, and consistency utilizing a variety of approaches and methodologies to increase student independence. Regional programs are staffed with higher adult-to-student ratios. See individual regional program descriptions for additional information.
Special Education Regional Programs
Select a panel below to learn more:
- Special Education Pre-Kindergarten Regional Programs (3-year-old)
- Special Education Pre-Kindergarten Regional Programs (4-year-old)
- Primary Special Education Regional Programs
- Intensive Structured Learning Environment Programs
- Structured Learning Environment Programs
- Behavior Development Programs
- Learning for Independence Programs
Special Education Pre-Kindergarten Regional Programs (3-year-old)
Special education PreK 3-year-old classes are available for children with intensive and complex support needs (communication, language social skills, self-management, motor, attention to tasks, etc.) who require individualized, deliberate, and purposefully scaffolded instruction to access the early learning skills within daily routines through playful learning as determined by the IEP team. In addition, instruction is provided to address individual goals and objectives with an emphasis on developmentally appropriate child outcomes. Special Education PreK 3-year-old classes are half-day programs (a.m./p.m.) located regionally throughout the county. Transportation is provided for children with IEPs attending CCPS Special Education PreK Programs.
Special Education Pre-Kindergarten Regional Programs (4-year-old)
Special Education PreK 4-year-old classes are available for children with intensive and complex support needs (communication, language social skills, self-management, motor, attention to tasks, etc.) who require individualized, deliberate, and purposefully scaffolded instruction to access the general education curriculum, expectations, pacing, and rigor of school through playful learning as determined by the IEP team. In addition, instruction is provided to address individual goals and objectives with an emphasis on developmentally appropriate child outcomes. The Special Education PreK 4-year-old classes are designed for children who require a highly structured program emphasizing routine, clarity, and consistency utilizing a variety of approaches and methodologies to increase student independence. Special Education PreK 4-year-old classes are located regionally throughout the county. Transportation is provided for children with IEPs attending CCPS Special Education PreK Programs.
Primary Special Education Regional Programs
Primary Special Education Regional classes are available for students with intensive and complex support needs (communication, language social skills, self-management, motor, attention to tasks, etc.) who require individualized, deliberate, and purposefully scaffolded instruction to access the general education curriculum, expectations, pacing, and rigor of school through playful learning as determined by the IEP team. In addition, instruction is provided to address individual goals and objectives with an emphasis on developmentally appropriate child outcomes. The Primary Special Education Regional classes are designed for students who require a highly structured program emphasizing routine, clarity, and consistency using various approaches and methods to increase student independence. Primary Special Education Regional classes are located regionally throughout the county and are intended to support students in kindergarten and first grade. Students in Primary Special Education Regional classes participate with non-disabled peers during related arts, recess, lunch, and centers, as well as during other instructional times as appropriate. Transportation is provided for students with IEPs attending CCPS Primary Special Education Regional Programs.
Intensive Structured Learning Environment Programs
Intensive Structured Learning Environment (ISLE) classes support students with complex support needs (e.g., significant cognitive disability, communication, self-management / self-determination, social-emotional/behavioral, and sensory) in a highly structured environment emphasizing routine, clarity, and consistency, the availability of a low student to teacher ratio, and individualized instruction, as needed. Instruction in the ISLE program is provided through an alternate education framework that focuses on grade-level academic content instruction using alternate academic achievement standards with the integration of pivotal functional skills such as communication, self-determination, and vocational and independent living skills. All students will receive instruction in the general education environment as they learn to generalize skills in less restrictive environments. As students access the general education curriculum through alternate standards, expectations are at a reduced scope or level of complexity. Therefore, with continued participation in the ISLE program, students will not be provided with the instruction necessary to meet the requirements for a high school diploma and instead will be working towards the achievement of a certificate of program completion at the age of 21. Transportation is provided for students with IEPs attending CCPS Intensive Structured Learning Environment Regional Programs.
Structured Learning Environment Programs
Elementary and Middle School SLE
The Structured Learning Environment (SLE) is a multi-grade, self-contained classroom setting designed for students who have demonstrated significant and pervasive difficulties in language, executive functioning, and social skills. These students have typically not responded to less frequent or less intensive intervention support provided in less restrictive settings. In the SLE setting, students are provided integrated instruction with a strong emphasis on language, including the social use of language. In addition to the general academic curriculum instruction, the SLE program strives to provide a consistent and predictable environment for students throughout the school day by implementing individualized scheduling and work tasks, visual supports for instruction, strategies for organization and clarity, and both direct and embedded instruction in the area of social skills. There are currently programs at the elementary and middle school levels. Transportation is provided for students with IEPs attending CCPS Structured Learning Environment Regional Programs.
High School SLE
The Structured Learning Environment (SLE) program at the high school level has been restructured to provide differentiated learning support for students who have significant and pervasive difficulties with executive functioning, social communication, and social interaction skills. To help these students acquire skills necessary to become college or career ready upon graduation, their instructional program will be differentiated to embed the teaching of independent living, social-emotional, and vocational skills throughout the instructional day. Instruction for all graduation-required courses will be provided primarily by dedicated content teachers with individualized and differentiated support from the SLE teacher and/or instructional assistant. Specific instruction in social skills, independent living, and vocational skills will be provided through dedicated courses taught by the SLE staff. IEP teams will proactively consider the years needed for each student’s graduation plan (most likely extending to 5 or 6 years) based on the student’s individual needs. The amount of time needed for the graduation plan must be individualized to include considerations of the time needed to provide the student with the necessary specific and differentiated instruction in the above-mentioned areas, in addition to what is needed to meet graduation requirements. The SLE teacher will provide intensive case management, which will include ongoing consultation and planning with the student, the student’s teachers and related service providers, and parents to ensure continuous and effective instructional programming throughout the student’s time in high school. There are currently programs at two high schools. Transportation is provided for students with IEPs attending CCPS Structured Learning Environment Regional Programs.
Behavior Development Programs
The Behavior Development Program (BDP) is designed to provide support to students with behavior and/or social/emotional deficits that negatively impact their academic performance and overall ability to function in the general education classroom or school setting. IEP goals and objectives generally address social, emotional, safety, and/or academic skills. Students may be provided regular access to individual and/or group counseling by a school psychologist and a data-driven behavior intervention plan. The ultimate goal of the program is to provide an environment in which students can develop the social/emotional/behavioral skills necessary to succeed in the educational mainstream and society in general. Transportation is provided for students with IEPs attending CCPS Behavior Development Regional Programs.
Learning for Independence Programs
The Learning for Independence (LFI) Program offers a continuation of specially designed instruction for students with significant cognitive disabilities aged 18-21 who have completed four years of high school, have completed all required high school assessments (e.g., High School Alternate Assessment based on Alternate Academic Achievement Standards), and require additional instruction in the pivotal instructional areas of communicative competence, self-determination, independent living skills, job skill training, and community-based-instruction to provide a successful transition from public secondary education to adult life (e.g., employment, post-secondary education, post-secondary training). Students will be exiting with a Maryland Certificate of Program Completion. Transportation is provided for students with IEPs attending CCPS Learning for Independence Regional Program.
Calvert County Public Schools is required to provide a written copy of this information, upon request [Education Article § 8-418]