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Philosophy Statement

Calvert County Public Schools (CCPS) believe that in order to meet the needs of the 21st century, and to prepare students for the globally competitive world beyond the classroom, all students will participate in a student-centered, thinking based library media curriculum.

To achieve this CCPS will provide a rigorous curriculum by:

  • Encouraging students to follow an inquiry process to define a problem, formulate questions, and refine either or both to meet a personal and/or assigned information need.
  • Ensuring students will be able to follow an inquiry process to identify, locate, evaluate, and select resources and sources in a wide variety of formats to meet the information need in an ethical manner.
  • Creating opportunities for students to find, generate, record and organize information relevant to the information need in an ethical manner.
  • Providing relevant opportunity for students to follow an inquiry process to interpret recorded data/information to create new understandings and knowledge related to the information need in an ethical manner.
  • Ensuring students follow an inquiry process to share findings/conclusions in an appropriate format to support written, oral, and multimedia information products and evaluate the products and the processes in an ethical manner.
  • Creating opportunities for students to demonstrate an appreciation of literature and multimedia as a reflection of the human experience and use the inquiry process for life-long learning.

As a result Calvert County students will be responsible, independent thinkers and decision makers who can contribute and adapt to a dynamic and ever-changing global society by:

  • Using technologies for an assigned information need
  • Thinking and reasoning logically
  • Locating and evaluating resources to gain understanding of a topic
  • Reading and writing critically
  • Communicating effectively using technology
Calvert Library #calvertREADS

Calvert County Public Schools is pleased to partner with Calvert Library to promote the love of reading, lifelong learning, and exploration. CCPS encourages you to use your school library and to visit the public library in order to maximize the incredible resources for learning and enjoyment of reading.

Calvert Research Access & Books (C.R.A.B. Card)


All CCPS students have virtual Calvert Library cards! With a C.R.A.B. card, students can:

  • Access online research databases.
  • Get free online homework help.
  • Check out up to 10 books, including audiobooks, with NO FINES.
  • And More!

To log in to resources, use the prefix calv and your student ID number (ex: calv12345). Your initial password is your 8-digit birthdate (it is recommended to change this after your first login).

Learn More
