CHESPAX is the environmental education program for the Calvert County Public School System. CHESPAX is a unique program in which the Board of Education staff work closely with local, state and regional partner agencies to provide hands-on environmental education experiences for the students of Calvert County.
The Chesapeake Bay and the Patuxent River and other natural settings serve as living laboratories for students to use their science content and process skills to learn to make responsible decisions regarding the natural environment. Students and teachers will also work with CHESPAX staff on a variety of special projects including the Terrapin Headstart Program, Raising Mosquito fish in the classroom, Oyster restoration, energy conservation, the Green Schools program, Schoolyard Habitat improvements or serving as a resource for the Science and Engineering Expo projects and other environmentally related efforts.
The CHESPAX staff are based at King's Landing Park in Huntingtown. However, quite often you will find the CHESPAX staff at your school site assisting with some of the environmental education projects that are happening across Calvert County!
The information throughout our blog is designed to help users learn more about CHESPAX programs as well as to help teachers make use of CHESPAX data for classroom instruction.