Career And Technical Education
Programs Offered at Career & Technology Academy
Programs Offered at High Schools
Select one of the following Programs of Study to learn more.
- Business
- Computer Science
- Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC)
- Project Lead the Way Biomedical Sciences
- Project Lead the Way Pathway to Engineering
- Teacher Academy of Maryland (TAM)
Computer Science
The Computer Science program of study will prepare students for further study and careers in the field of Computer Science. Students complete a sequence of four courses, starting with an overview of the Computing and Information Technology field and progressing through a more in-depth study of computer science.
Throughout the program, students will learn all aspects of Computer Science including: programming, hardware design, networks, graphics, databases and information retrieval, cyber security, software design, programming languages, logic, programming paradigms, translation between levels of abstraction, artificial intelligence, the limits of computations, applications in information technology and information systems, and social issues (Internet security, privacy, and intellectual property).
The CS program of study consists of these four courses (select a tab to view more):
- 1. Foundations of Computer Science (3505)
- 2. AP Computer Science Principles (3506)
- 3. App Development (3511)
- 4. AP Computer Science (A) Coding (3519)
1. Foundations of Computer Science (3505)
An introductory computer science course that takes a wide lens on computer science by covering topics such as problem-solving, programming, physical computing, user-centered design, and data while inspiring students as they build their own websites, apps, animations, games, and physical computing systems. This course satisfies the Tech Ed graduation requirement.
2. AP Computer Science Principles (3506)
AP Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. More than a traditional introduction to programming, it is a rigorous, engaging, and approachable curriculum that explores many of the foundational ideas of computing so all students understand how these concepts are transforming the world we live in.
3. App Development (3511)
This second course is designed to enhance students' computing concepts and knowledge further, focusing on programming in the modern world. In the year's first half, students will master creating apps with physical computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Students will use sensors and microcontrollers to create endless possibilities for “Internet of Things” applications. In the second semester, students will learn the basics of Java programming.
4. AP Computer Science (A) Coding (3519)
AP Computer Science A is a rigorous curriculum that introduces students to software engineering and object-oriented programming and design using the Java programming language. This curriculum covers a broad range of topics, including the design of solutions to problems, the use of data structures to organize large sets of data, the development and implementation of algorithms to process data and discover new information, the analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing systems.
Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC)
The NJROTC program is available to students as a Career & Technical Education (CTE) graduation pathway. To meet CTE pathway graduation requirements, students must successfully complete Naval Science I, Naval Science II, and Naval Science III in order to be designated as CTE completers through NJROTC. Students who are able are encouraged to take Naval Science IV as a further benefit to future career possibilities. Satisfactory completion of the program gives students the life and career skills to significantly contribute to success in careers in government, private industry entrepreneurship and non-profit organizations. It can also lead to advanced placement credit in the Senior ROTC program at an accredited college or university, or advanced rank in the armed forces.
Established by the Congress of the United States in 1964, the Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC) Program teaches self-discipline, self-confidence, and leadership skills. The main objectives of this program are to promote patriotism, develop informed and responsible citizens, promote habits of orderliness and precision, develop respect for constituted authority, and develop a high degree of personal honor, individual discipline, and self-reliance. The program includes classroom study in the areas listed in the course descriptions. In addition, physical fitness, personal appearance and good grooming habits, respectful conduct, and leadership training are stressed. Those who enroll in naval science courses join a unit and agree to wear the Navy uniform one full day a week and to comply with the standards of academic performance and personal conduct required of NJROTC cadets. All textbooks, regular uniforms, and training equipment are provided by the Navy at no cost to the student. Cadets interested in competing for admission to the U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Military Academy (West Point) or the U.S. Air Force Academy are required to obtain a nomination.
NJROTC is a nominating source and cadets are eligible to compete for a nomination from their NJROTC unit. Units also provide significant assistance in competing for four-year college ROTC scholarships. The student who elects to take naval science incurs no military obligation. However, successful completion of three years or more of naval science allows entry into the armed forces at up to two pay grades higher than other enlistees. To broaden each cadet’s horizons, frequent field trips are made to visit various military bases, ships, and other government installations of interest. Cruises and visits aboard Navy ships provide practical, hands-on training experiences. Extracurricular activities include interscholastic competition at the local, regional, and national levels in academics, marksmanship, orienteering, drill team, and color guard. Selected cadets may attend special advanced training or educational opportunities.
Some NJROTC units offer cadets the opportunity to compete in an Air Force Cyber Defense competition called CyberPatriot, a national Cyber Education program created to inspire K-12 students toward careers in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines critical to our nation’s future.
To enroll in any NJROTC unit, a student must be of good moral character and physically fit. He or she must agree to accept and maintain the high standards of behavior and personal appearance required of cadets.
Naval Science I: Students are introduced to both the NJROTC program and the study of naval science. Emphasis is placed on personal development and career planning; leadership skills; naval orientation; citizenship and Course Descriptions - Naval Science 90 American government; wellness; fitness, and first aid; geography and survival skills; and teamwork development. Opportunities are available to participate in community service, marksmanship, orienteering, drill, and athletics. Students are required and agree to wear the Navy uniform one full day a week. Students are also required to dress out and participate in physical fitness training.
Naval Science II: Advanced leadership skills are practiced. Maritime History; Maritime Geography as it relates to national resources, landforms, climate, soil, bodies of water, people, governments, and military; Current Events, Naval History, Naval Operations; and Intelligence and National Security are studied. Students are required and agree to wear the Navy uniform one full day a week. Students are also required to dress out and participate in physical fitness training. This course is the second of three courses required to complete the NJROTC CTE program.
Naval Science III: Cadets practice advanced leadership skills and management techniques in the daily operation of the NJROTC unit, including the planning for and conducting of unit functions. Major areas of study include sea power and national security, naval intelligence, naval operations, military and international law, ship design and organization, and maritime navigation. Opportunities are available to participate in community service, marksmanship, orienteering, drill, and athletics. Students are required and agree to wear the Navy uniform one full day a week. Students are also required to dress out and participate in physical fitness training. This is the third required course to complete the NJROTC CTE program.
Naval Science IV: Advanced leadership and ethics development accomplished through seminar discussions. Cadets practice advanced leadership skills and management techniques in the daily operation of the NJROTC unit including the planning for and conducting of unit functions and activities. Opportunities are available to participate in community service, marksmanship, orienteering, drill, and athletics. Students are required and agree to wear the Navy uniform one full day a week. Students are also required to dress out and participate in physical fitness training. Students enrolled in the NJROTC CTE pathway are encouraged to continue beyond the required third course into Naval Science IV. However, completion of this course is not required within the CTE pathway.
Project Lead the Way Biomedical Sciences
PLTW Biomedical Sciences is a program which includes the four courses listed below. The rigorous and relevant four-course PLTW Biomedical Science sequence allows students to investigate the roles of biomedical professionals as they study the concepts of human medicine, physiology, genetics, microbiology, and public health. Students engage in activities like investigating the death of a fictional person, and learning content in the context of real-world cases. They examine the structures and interactions of human body systems and explore the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, all while working collaboratively to understand and design solutions to the most pressing health challenges of today and the future.
In order to complete the program, students take these four courses:
Project Lead the Way Pathway to Engineering
PLTW Pathway to Engineering is a program which includes the five courses listed below. In PLTW Engineering, students engage in open-ended problem solving, learn and apply the engineering design process, and use the same industry-leading technology and software as are used in the world’s top companies. Students investigate topics such as aerodynamics and astronautics, sustainability, and digital electronics and circuit design, giving them an opportunity to learn about different engineering disciplines before beginning post-secondary education or careers.
In order to complete the program, students take these five courses:
Teacher Academy of Maryland (TAM)
The Teacher Academy of Maryland (TAM) is a rigorous four course Career and Technology Education program developed through a partnership between Maryland State Department of Education and Towson University. The program is specifically designed for students who intend to pursue a career as an elementary, middle, or high school teacher. Instructors for these courses are provided with professional development through Towson University.
An integral component of the TAM program is providing students with experiences that demonstrate what being a teacher is really like. Academy students have the opportunity to conduct formal observations, develop and deliver lesson plans in a K-12 setting, and participate in special events and activities with other future educators. Students may elect to join TAM as tenth graders. TAM is for students interested in any of these careers: instructional assistant, daycare center owner/operator, early childhood teacher, high school teacher, school administrator, social worker, preschool teacher, elementary teacher, speech therapist, child psychologist, middle school teacher, and school counselor.
The TAM program consists of these four courses (select a tab to view more):
- 1. Human Growth and Development through Adolescence (5500)
- 2. Teaching as a Profession (5510)
- 3. Foundations of Curriculum and Instruction (5520)
- 4. Education Academy Internship (5530)
1. Human Growth and Development through Adolescence (5500)
This is an exciting first course in the Teacher Academy of Maryland (TAM) program because it appeals directly to what gets most prospective teachers interested in an education career-the joy of working with children. It is also a course that appeals to something fundamental to adolescents-studying and understanding themselves.
This course focuses on human development from birth through adolescence. Emphasis is placed on theories of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development, the effect of heredity and the environment, the role of caregivers and the family, health and safety concerns, and contemporary issues. Students explore special challenges to growth and development. Students will have opportunities for guided observation of children from birth through adolescence in a variety of settings to help students further understand theories of human development. Students will begin to develop the components of a working portfolio to be assembled upon completion of the internship.
2. Teaching as a Profession (5510)
This is the second course in the Teacher Academy of Maryland (TAM) program. The course focuses on the profession of teaching – its history, purposes, issues, ethics, laws and regulations, roles, and qualifications. Emphasis is placed on identifying the current, historical, philosophical and social perspectives of American education, including trends and issues. Students will explore major approaches to human learning. Students will participate in guided observations and field experiences in multiple settings to help them assess their personal interest in pursuing careers in this field and to identify effective learning environments. Students will continue to develop the components of a working portfolio to be assembled upon completion of the internship.
3. Foundations of Curriculum and Instruction (5520)
This course explores curriculum delivery models in response to the developmental needs of all children. Emphasis is placed on the development of varied instructional materials and activities to promote learning, classroom management strategies, and a supportive classroom environment. Students will explore basic theories of motivation that increase learning. Students will participate in guided observations and field experiences to critique classroom lessons in preparation for developing and implementing their own. Students will continue to develop the components of a working portfolio to be assembled upon completion of the internship. This course is taken concurrently with the Education Academy Internship.
4. Education Academy Internship (5530)
The internship is the culminating course of the Education Academy Program. Students will have an opportunity to integrate content and pedagogical knowledge in an educational area of interest. They will have an opportunity to extend and apply their knowledge about teaching in a classroom setting under the supervision of a mentor teacher. This internship may be with a teacher in their school or a neighboring elementary or middle school. The students will complete their working portfolio and present it for critique. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from their internship. Students complete the internship during the same school year as completing the Foundations of Curriculum and Instruction course.
"Grow Our Own Teachers" Scholarship Program
Students who graduate from CCPS on or after June 1, 2017 and complete the TAM program are eligible for the "Grow Our Own Teachers" Scholarship Program. To be considered for this scholarship, please fill out an application and return it to Carrie Akins, Director of Career and Technology Education. For questions concerning this program, Carrie Akins can be contacted at 443-550-9940 or by email.