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The Department of Instruction provides support to schools for implementing the curriculum and instructional programs for Calvert County Public Schools. In addition, this office supports the professional development of all staff through a variety of programs and experiences.

Our department serves to increase teacher capacity and student achievement by:

  • Providing curriculum aligned with the Maryland College and Career Ready Standards which promotes rigorous instruction for all students.
  • Providing professional support to teachers and administrators through:
    • Purposeful, meaningful professional development
    • Ongoing mentoring and coaching
    • Support during PLCs and Department meetings


Jacquelyn Jacobs

Chief Academic Officer

James McComb

Director, System and Instructional Performance

Candy Adkins

Budget/Grant Specialist

Elizabeth Doster

Coordinator, Accountability & Instructional Data

Loren Grimes

Supervisor, Secondary English Language Arts

Margo Gross

Supervisor, Equity

Thomas Hill

Supervisor, Instructional Technology and Teacher Induction

Melissa Huffman

Supervisor, Elementary English Language Arts

Andrea Jones

Specialist, Pre-Kindergarten Program

Joyce King

Supervisor, State and Federal Grant Programs

Dr. Yovonda Kolo

Supervisor , Secondary Science, PLTW, Tech Ed, Computer Science, Science EXPO

Janel McPhillips

Supervisor , Elementary Science, Service Learning, CHESPAX, Environmental Science

Julie Morrison

Supervisor, Elementary Mathematics

Cheri Mrkva

Child Care Specialist

Nicole Penix

Supervisor, Social Studies

Dr. Crystal M. Ricks

Supervisor, Gifted & Talented Education, Articulation, STEM & MESA, Robotics Competition

Britta Sparks

Supervisor, World Language, ESOL, Physical Education, Health, NJROTC, DARE

Joe Sutton

Supervisor, Secondary Mathematics

Michelle Ward

Supervisor, Early Childhood

Bryan Welker

Supervisor, Visual & Performing Arts

Select a panel below to view additional staff members.