Guardians and Employees
If you are both an employee of CCPS and a guardian of one or more students in the system, you will automatically receive SchoolMessenger (SM) notifications sent to guardians to the email address and phone numbers (home, cell, and cell2) that are on file for you in Home Access Center (HAC). You will automatically receive SchoolMessenger (SM) notifications sent to employees to the email addresses (work and personal) and phone numbers (phone, personal cell, and other) that are on file for you in Employee Access Center (EAC). All employees are highly encouraged to add a Personal Email address into EAC for messaging in case of an emergency situation where the Calvertnet email system goes down. The email addresses and phone numbers that reside in HAC and EAC are sent to SchoolMessenger daily at 4:30 a.m. HAC is the only system where you may update your guardian contact information. EAC is the only system where you may update your employee contact information.
In SM, you may customize how you want notifications sent (phone calls, email, and text messages) for the various messaging types (Emergency, Attendance, General, and Surveys), and view messages sent to you within the past 30 days.
It should be noted that when decisions about school closings or delays are made late at night or early in the morning, guardians and employees will receive notifications via phone, email, and text.